Supporting service users with personal budget

Lanterns Holiday 051

The personalisation agenda means a major shift in the way most care and support providers approach service development and delivery. At Comfort Care Services personalisation has always been at the core of our service.

Our approach focuses on individual rights, user empowerment, the right for people to control their own lives, and improved quality of services created by providing choice. The continued focus on personalisation of care recognises that people are experts in their own lives and therefore best placed to make choices for themselves.

Comfort Care addresses personalisation and personal budgets by

  • Assessing individual requirements by face to face meetings
  • Developing a personalised care plan with the service users requirements
  • Providing flexibility in the delivery of the care plan and match support workers to the service users
  • Match local area worker who is familiar with local services in order to provide the quality and continuity of care that you would expect
  • Paying particular attention to cultural and religious needs
  • Fully functioning activity programme to cater for all interests
  • Provide value for money so you get more support for your budget
  • Working around service users not internal systems and processes
  • Support infrastructure to ensure a swift response to changes

A large part of this relatively new approach has seen the spread of the use of direct payments and individual budgets. This is giving service users control of their budget and enabling them to purchase services from their choice of provider.

The bottom line is Comfort Care makes it easy for service users to continue to enjoy hobbies and interest and fulfil their lives completely while delivering the support that is required.

Call us now if you have been assigned a personal budget to see how we can provide a personalised service.